Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Gucci Marketing Plan Essay

Studies of workplace learning tend tofocus on largefirms even though small businesses constitute 98 percent of u. s. firms. Recent studies have found evidence of extensive HRD in small businesses. Other recent studies found a higher level of job satisfaction among employees of small firms than employees of larger firms. This study measured the nature and extent of HRD; the level ofjob satisfaction among workers; and determined the correlation between workplace learning activities and job satisfaction in small to mid-sized businesses. This study is also looking at cross-country comparisons and . mplications with Australia. Malaysia is a resource rich country and a major socio-economic force in the AsiaPacific region. Historically, the economy of Malaysia was based on agriculture and natural resources. Over the past 25 years, the pace of development of the Malaysian economy has been rapid. Throughout the 1980s and early 90s, the economy grew at an average annual rate of 7. 8 per cent. Strong growth in public investment and exports during this period stimulated domestic demand and contributed to a consistent rise in income and employment. But the Asian economic recession of the late 1990s and the severe worsening of ! v1alaysia’s external terms of trade led to a general slow-down in the growth performance. Various adjustment measures were used by the Government to restore balance and stability. The economy now appears to be emerging from the recession and recording GDP growth rates around 4 per cent per annum. In its efforts to transform Malaysia to a dev~loped and industrialized country, the Government began to focus on developing human resources. In recognizing the need for training government employees and to set an example for business and industry the National Institute of Public Administration, Malaysia (INT AN) was established in 1972. To further encourage and stimulate the private sector to introduce training and development for its employees, the Malaysian Legislature passed an Act of Parliament entitled Human Resource Development Act 1992. This legislation requires a manufacturing company which has more than fifty employees to contribute one per cent of its monthly payroll to a fund which would then be used to promote training. Wan (1994) reports that until these relatively recent undertakings â€Å"enterprise training in Malaysia received little attention from policy makers. Even now not much is known about it, despite the fact it is one of the most important sources of job-specific skill development†. In fact, Chalkley (1991) reports that the realization of the importance of training is a recent concept in Asia. The companies tackling such problems represent the exception rather than the norm. On average, companies in Malaysia and Indonesia undertake more training days than their counterparts in Singapore and Hong Kong, but spend less. This is because management training receives greater emphasis in Hong Kong, South Korea, and Singapore, while in Volume 4 Page 127 CLWR 7th Annual International Conference on Post-compulsory Education and Training, 1999 Malaysia there is a greater emphasis on skills training, which is generally cheaper to organize. The estimates are that Malaysia spends an average of US$200 on training per employee per year. By comparison, British firms invest approximately US$5,000 annually per employee and Germany invests an average of US$7,500 annually per employee. U. S. irms invest, on average, US$l ,800 per year per employee in training and development, or by another estimate a total of US$60. 7 billion a year. Furthermore, estimates suggest that about 8 percent of new employees receive formal training in their first year of employment in U. S. firms and 20 percent of new employees receive such training in European firms, and 74 percent receive such training in Japanese firms. Developing the human resources of a company would seem to be key to increasing production and closing the gap between the level of worker skill and present and future needs. Businesses that have made training, education, and development a priority have seen it payoff through greater profitability and increased worker job satisfaction. Recent studies have found that job satisfaction is rarely tied to pay and promotion; but rather, workers are more interested in such things as feeling appreciated, being â€Å"in on things,† and career development all of which have linkages to workplace learning. Job satisfaction is simply how people feel about their jobs and different aspects of their jobs. There are important reasons why organizations should be concerned with job satisfaction, which can be classified according to the focus on the employee or the organization. First, the humanitarian perspective is that people deserve to be treated fairly and with respect. Job satisfaction is to some extent a reflection of good treatment. It also can be considered an indicator of emotional well being or psychological health. Second, the utilitarian perspective is that job satisfaction can lead to behavior by employees that affects organizational functioning, as well as a reflection on organizational functioning. Differences among organizational units in job satisfaction can be diagnostic of potential trouble spots. Each reason is sufficient to justify concern with job satisfaction. Combined they explain and justify the attention that is paid to this important variable. Indeed, Buhler (1994) emphasizes the point when she talks about the continued effort organizations must place on employee satisfaction and the economic importance to the company. â€Å"Organizations that believe that workers are easily replaced and do not invest in their workers send a dangerous message. This often results in high turnover, which is accompanied by high training costs, as well as hiring costs it fosters the same type of attitude in the employee, that the company can be- replaced and little loyalty is felt†. These studies make it clear that companies must take advantage of all workplace learning opportunities if they are to remain successful. However, until recently, most studies like the ones by Coblentz (1988), Beatty (1996), and Hitt (1998), for example, have been conducted in large corporations. Few firms in the samples have had annual sales of less than US$l billion. Most U. S. businesses are small to mid-sized with annual sales well under US$lO million (Lee 1991). No exact figures are available on the nature and extent of small businesses in Malaysia, but it is clear that they constitute a substantial part of the overall economy. In the same year, their contributions to total manufacturing output and employment amounted to 15 percent and 18 percent, respectively. Small businesses are playing an increasingly important role in the world economy as well. Small businesses (those employing 100 people or less) constitute 98 percent of U. S. businesses and â€Å"small businesses are responsible for 82 percent of the jobs created in the United States†. Yet, of the more than six hundred thousand small businesses started each year in the U.S. , 80 to 85 percent fail in the first five years (Small Business Handbook 1990). The economic wel,l-being of some regions of the United States is dependent upon small businesses where the majority of businesses (88 percent) employ fewer than 200 people. To date, little is known about the relationship between workplace learning and employee satisfaction in small to mid-sized companies. Studies by Des Reis (1993) and Rowden (1995) have found that such firms may not even he aware of the nature and extent of learning in their workplaces. Yet it is likely that the success of such companies is at least attributable to the ways in which employees are attended to, formally and informally trained, and developed. Statement of the problem Conventional wisdom says that small businesses do not have the financial resources nor the time to do very much, if any, training and development or workplace learning. These views on training in small businesses have generally been supported each time quantitative research has been conducied in a variety of small businesses. However, a recent qualitative study   found that, in fact, U.S. small businesses do engage in a considerable range of formal, informal, and incidental workplace learning, activities. The information gleaned from the interviews, observations, and documents provide a new foundation upon which questionnaires can be developed that can assess the extent of workplace learning from a perspective that small businesses truly understand. Another recent study found that worker s in U. S. small businesses were generally more satisfied with their employment situation than were workers in larger companies. The study found that 44 percent of the workers in small businesses said they were â€Å"extremely satisfied† with their jobs, compared with 28 percent at companies with 1,000 or more workers. It was speculated that factors such as job security, empowerment, and the ability to do what they do best might explain job satisfaction. While workplace learning was not one of the indicators in the study, the respondents reported that they could learn and grow on the job. An assumption of this study is that a sense of satisfaction a person feels about his or her employment can be directly linked to workplace learning. That is, employees who have opportunities to grow and learn in their job will express higher levels of job satisfaction. To test this assumption, this study first established the nature and extent of workplace learning in small to mid-sized businesses; established the level of job satisfaction reported in the same small to mid-sized businesses; and established the relationship between these learning opportunities and the level of employee satisfaction in these organizations. Volume 4 Page 129 CLWR 7th Annual International Conference on Post-compulsory Education and Training, 1999 Purpose and research questions The overall purpose of this study is to understand workplace learning in the Malaysian context. The specific research questions are: 1. 2. 3. What is the nature and extent of workplace learning in small to mid-sized Malaysian businesses? What is the relationship among three types of workplace learning (formal, informal, and incidental) in the Malaysian context? To what extent do those three types of workplace learning explain job satisfaction? Methodology A survey research design was deemed the most appropriate way to understand the relationship between workplace learning and employee job satisfaction. A survey instrument was developed that captures the essence of the findings on workplace learning revealed by the Rowden (1995) study combined with the Spector Job Satisfaction Survey (1997). Description of the sample Five Malaysian companies agreed to participate in the study. Potential companies were identified through contact with the local university. Students from the HRD program at the university administered the surveys at the companies. A total of 228 surveys were returned. The five companies consisted of a manufacturing firm, two financial services firms, an educational/training company, and a non-government organization (NGO). The manufacturing firm has been in business for 11 years, employs 54 people, and has gross annual revenues of RM 3, 000,000 (RM [ringgitt] 3. 8=$1 USD at the time of this writing). The financial services companies have been in business for around 10 years, employ a combined 150 people, and produce annual gross revenues of RM 360,000,000. The training company has been in business for eight years, employs 100 people, and has gross revenues of RM 3,000,000. The NGO has been in business for 12 years, employs 124 people, and while it does not generate revenue it has an annual budget of RM 2,000,000. All the respondents worked full time. Fifty two percent were female. Eighty seven percent were between the ages of 21 and 44. Sixty percent were married. Thirty eight percent worked at companies with fewer than 100 employees and 59 percent worked for companies that employed between 100 and 200. Eighty six percent have been employed by their current company for less than 10 years. Sixty five percent are non-supervisory and 69 percent earned between RM $1000 and RM $3000 per month. Seventy four percent worked in service industries while 26 percent worked in manufacturing. A description of the respondents is contained in Table 1. Instrument There is limited research on HRD in small to mid-sized businesses. Most people believe that small businesses do little, if any, development of their workers. For example, Training Magazine, which annually conducts a study of the training industry in the U. S. annually, does not even attempt to contact businesses with fewer than 100 employees and only 16 percent of their sample consist of companies with between 100 and 500 workers. Even the Malaysian HRDA ignores manufacturing firms with fewer than 50 employees. Volume 4 Page 130 CLWR 7th Annual InternationalcConference on Post-compulsory Education and Training. Several attempts have been made to determine the nature and extent of workplace learning in small business. Invariably, the studies concluded that, in fact, little HRD occurs in small businesses. A review of several of the studies determined that a likely cause of the lack of discovery of workplace learning in small businesses was due to the design of the surveys. A qualitative study by Rowden did reveal numerous indices of workplace learning in small to mid-sized businesses in the U. S. By looking at the field notes and transcripts of interviews of workers, it was believed that previous attempts to capture workplace learning in small to mid-sized businesses was due in large part by the language of the questionnaire. Making every attempt to stay as close as possible to the language and references used by actual workers in small to mid-sized businesses, a survey was developed to attempt to capture the natu†re and extent of workplace learning in these businesses. The research on job satisfaction in small businesses mirrors that of HRD in small businesses. Until a recent study little attention had been paid to worker job satisfaction in small businesses. This study found that workers in small businesses, generally, were more satisfied with their work than were workers in larger businesses. The study did not, however, seek to determine why the workers were more satisfied. The study mentioned ideas like better communication, a feeling of being in on things, and a smaller power distance-but no factors were actually measured. Again based on the Rowden (1995) study, a possible connection could be made between workplace learning and job satisfaction. To determine if this hypothesis were true, workplace learning and job satisfaction would have to be measured in the same small businesses. Then, correlational measures could be made to determine if small to midsized businesses with high measures of workpiace learning also had high measures of job satisfaction. The Spector (1997) Job Satisfaction Survey was determined to be the best-validated and reliable instrument for determining job satisfaction. A modified version was incorporated into the questionnaire along with request for background data. , Once developed, the instrument was subjected to critique sessions by area experts and graduate HRD classes to ensure for content validity. The process was continued until saturation was reached; that is, until no more distinct categories could be ascertained. The Malaysian version required some modification for cultural differences. For example, religious education had to be added since this is often provided for by Muslim employers and the â€Å"married-not married† question had to be expanded to cover all possibilities since feedback indicated â€Å"not married† sounded too much like a â€Å"curse† to them. The results of the development process was a six page self-administered questionnaire. The instrument is divided into three sections-workplace learning, job satisfaction, and background information. The three constructs or dependent variables for the workplace learning portion were formal, informal, and incidental learning. The reliability for each measure was conducted using Chronbach’s alpha. The formal learning scale included items measuring respondent’s perceptions of planned, organized, training activities. The informal learning scale included items measuring respondent’s perceptions of unplanned or spontaneous activities that lead to perceived learning on the job. The incidental learning scale included items designed to measure respondents perception of normal workplace activities that resulted in learning even though that was not the purpose of the activity.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Market Structures Essay

Each market structure plays a significant role in the economy. Markets are categorized according to the structure of each industry serving the market. Three of the basic market structures include competitive markets, monopolies, and oligopolies. These differ due to the different number of strength of buyers and sellers and also the level of collusion between them. There are stages of competition and magnitude of the difference in products. When there are many buyers and sellers of a product then neither firms are able influence prices, therefore making it competitive. In competitive markets there are not restraints on firms going in and out of the market and buyers can purchase the same product or products from many sellers and get the same products. For example, potatoes are in the competitive market because consumers can find a potato farm that offers them at the lowest market price, and they can produce however much they want or as much as they can profit from at the going rate. There are many options for buyers because, with the knowledge, there is a lower price so they can always observe to find the best price. Lets say a good/product is $10 at the market price and a firm produces 10 units per day. The total revenue for the day would be $100 ($10 x 10 = $100), but the marginal revenue with producing the eleventh unit per day would increase from $100 to $ 110 ( 11 x $10). However marginal cost do vary depending on the amount of goods produced. For example, a firm may increase input so marginal cost is equal to the market price. As long as the market price covers the variable cost there is incentive to stay in business, and possibly in the long run maximize profits (Jeffery Ely, 2012). So basically with a numerous amount of buyers and sellers in the market it creates competition and very little bargaining power for buyers and sellers. There are usually not many barriers that exist within competitive markets because the exit and entry levels are low. For example, even though the market for making cars competitive the upfront capitol cost are high, which can create difficulty entering, or getting started. In some cases an exit barrier may exist if a large amounts of money is tied up in firm.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Astr hw4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Astr hw4 - Essay Example With the activities that occur in the volcano that is the first theory, the earth experienced the cooling that made the elements cool. The elements are then exposed to the atmosphere creating a combination of droplets. With the theory water is known to be the found on the earth’s surface. The theory does not fully explain the source since seventy percent of the water sources does not originate from the earth’s surface. In the second theory, water is meant to be formed from the comets and the earth grazing. This means that the water exists in form of the water molecules on the earth’s surface. At the same time, there is a difference between water at the sea and the one on the earth’s surface (Wiegandt, 2008). 3. The snowball theory gives a brief discussion on the coldest part of the earth. The theory suggests that the earth is all surrounded by ice. There is evidence supporting the theory by the fact that Sturtian and Marinoan have isotopes of carbon that is found at the sea water. There are also a number of marine deposits at the bark of the oceans. The irons and oxides formed enable the anoxia to spread into the oceans. There are also proofs that do not support the theory because the deposits don’t have same ages not even the age sets. The Sturtian has ripples while its thickness and characters are found at the base. 4. Europa the moon has liquid that is in form of water and can primitively save living things. The liquid has got characters that will enable the human life by containing molecules that are versatile. The liquid also dissolve the nutrients that are used in the digestion and waste removal by the living creatures. Europa also has the ability to tilt the surface enabling it to have life support. 5. With the origin of life, life is reported to start from the sea because of the structures like carbonate that are found at the vents of hydrothermal. With the formation of hydrogen sulphide, hot

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Evolution of IBM Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Evolution of IBM - Case Study Example The competencies thus shifted away from technical quality and towards knowledge, experience and personnel expertise (Carlson). The emphases was on focus, speed, customers, teamwork and execution. The company was centralized, global core processes were standardized, metrics were redesigned, and the focus was on the marketplace and the customer (Carlson). How would you describe Louis Gerstner’s implementation style of IBM’s competitive strategy in the early 1990s? The implementation style of IBM’s corporate strategy was focused upon streamlining the operation and cutting costs. IBM cut its workforce to a low of 220,000 employees in 1994, and used other cost reductions for the company. This was half of the competitive strategy. The other half was that Gerstner recognized that the company should continue to provide integrated solutions. The previous idea was that IBM would divide into separate companies that emphasized separate competencies. The idea was that IBM could bundle and customize solutions for customers, packaging hardware, software and services together in a customized bundle (Carlson). Because IBM was centered around an idea, as opposed to a certain technology, it was able to adapt to changing business climates that occur when new technologies arise, and the magazine The Economist states that companies who are rooted in a philosophy, not a product, are the companies who will be around in 100 years (â€Å"The Test of Time,â⠂¬  2011). ... Because IBM was centered around an idea, as opposed to a certain technology, it was able to adapt to changing business climates that occur when new technologies arise, and the magazine The Economist states that companies who are rooted in a philosophy, not a product, are the companies who will be around in 100 years (â€Å"The Test of Time,† 2011). The company also dropped low margin industries, such as personal printers and hard drives. Its focus was on high profit margin businesses, with a focus on becoming a technology integrator. It also acquired the management consulting and technology services arm of Pricewaterhouse Cooper, which was a boon for its services division (Carlson). What are the implications of the globally integrated enterprise model for marketing managers in the Australia and New Zealand subsidiary of IBM? The implications are that, even though the New Zealand and Australian marketing managers are working for a subsidiary of IBM, they will have to adhere to the corporate ethos of IBM. Moreover, they will be controlled by the centralized unit of IBM, and the products and services that they will be producing will be products and services which are approved by centralized management at IBM. The values, processes and shared services will be those of IBM. It appears that IBM has abandoned the strategy of having parents and children in the corporate sense, and more that each of the offices around the world are a part of IBM, and not independent. Discuss the elements of the marketing strategy that makes IBM successful in today’s global marketplace. One of the important elements of the marketing strategy is that IBM integrates production and value delivery worldwide, while depending upon state borders less

Preservation of the cut flowers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Preservation of the cut flowers - Essay Example In most of the cases, people just store these flowers in water, which is absolutely not enough if the purpose is to keep those flowers healthy for a long time. Thus, the technique of growing plants, cutting the flower and the medium used to store them are important in order to store flowers for a longer time. In this experiment, two factors were more closely studied, a) Nutrition in the water, b) pH of the water. Floral plants are grown indoors, in a garden or for floral farming. These plants need to be handled very gently. Their nutritional requirements need to be taken care of in order to get very good quality flowers. Various factors that need to be considered while growing plants are soil, temperature, light, watering and fertilizer. A good care of the plants will results in a better production of flowers. Flowers are cut from plants for two main reasons, a) to promote more flowering on the plants, b) to make a floral bouquet. In this project the focus is mainly on the science behind the preservation of the cut flowers. There are four main factors that play an important role in the storage of flowers they are as follows. Temperature is a critical factor. Photosynthesis in plants occurs from sunlight, carbon dioxide and water to produce sugars. Sugar undergoes respiration to produce energy. This energy is then utilized to produce a flower. Thus higher the respiration faster is the flower development and faster is its death. The rate of respiration is directly proportional to the temperature. Thus, higher the temperature, higher is the respiration rate. This is the reason why flowers are usually stored in lower temperature.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Concept Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Concept Paper - Assignment Example This results in a gap in their performance as they attempt to perform their role as a leader. (Boak, 2001) The context of my study is to evaluate the need for the restructuring of leadership training in retail management. The need for competent leaders is a bare necessity in the modern retail industry and an essential pre-requisite for its sustenance and growth. The need for able leadership in the retail sector was upheld in the ‘Retail Davos’- the Retail Leadership Forum held on the 13th and14th of September 2011. This event hosted by the global business advisory giants like Goldman Sachs, Korn/Ferry International and OC&C Strategy Consultants, discussed the role of leadership in the modern era of retailing. According to the speakers at the forum, the retail leaders in future will require â€Å"a new set of leadership skills in order to adapt to the changing dynamics in the fact paced industry.† (Harrison, 2011) This has become a pressing issue on the regional as well as global level. And this is what makes this research problem a matter of substantial business interest. In the present business era marked by fierce competition, many global and local retailers are awakening to realize their most critical survival challenge in the forthcoming years. Already caught in the cobweb of competition, pricing, consumer preferences and global extension, the new challenge that has baffled the retail industry is the need for competent leaders. (Florida, 2006; Higgs, 2001; Stalk, 1992) The retail heads across the world have understood that in order to achieve successful organizational growth, it is vital to find and engage the right leadership. (Lengnick-Hall, 2003; Shim, 2002) Studies in retail leadership conducted by Korn/Ferry in collaboration with the World Retail Congress have shown that the lack of right leadership talent can severely affect the development and expansion of retailers, thereby hampering their business growth. (Morel-Curran, 2008) My study

Friday, July 26, 2019

Position Paper on Achilles (As the Hero) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Position Paper on Achilles (As the Hero) - Essay Example In Greek mythology honor meant courage, integrity in ones belief and actions and honesty of intent. Achilles fulfills all of them whereas we see that Hector is unable to stand his ground in trying to fight for his people. In book 22, Hector was the single Trojan left outside Troy. His father, Priam, stands guard observing the battleground from the Trojan fortifications. He pleads with Hector to come inside. We then see that Hector contemplates finding a less damaging solution by giving over Helen of troy, who was the fountainhead of the war, and with her the treasures that Alexandrus bought, in order to settle with Achilles. But he still stands guard deciding that Achilles would not be merciful. However, the sight of Achilles at the gates struck fear in the heart of Hector who fled with Achilles in hot pursuit. Hector runs the length of troy thrice, trying to rid himself of Achilles. Meanwhile in Olympus Zeus, watched this chase and pitied the noble Hector who had ‘burned many a heifer’ in his honor and considers saving him. Minerva (Athena) then flares up saying that if her father wishes to alter the prophesied fate of Hector then she would not be of mind with him. In response to Athena’s disapproval, Zeus urges her to descent from Olympus and fulfill Hectors predefined fate. Then at last as the two warriors were approaching the fountains of Troy for the fourth Troy, Zeus balanced his golden scales and placed on each end the fate of Achilles and Hector, whereby Hectors scale fell into the depths of Hades. We witness then that Athena goes to Achilles relays news of his upcoming victory and informs him of her plan to trick Hector. Athena then appears near Hector disguised as Deiphobus and convinces Hector to face Achilles with Deiphobus by Hectors side. When Hector finally faces Achilles he pledges not to mistreat his body if Achilles is slain and return it to the Achaeans, in turn for a return favor incase Hector meets his end. Achilles refu ses to bind himself in any such pledges and tried to strike his spear at Hector. But Hector managed to avoid it. In retaliation Hector, with remarkable aim, hurls his spear at Achilles but it bounces off his armor. When Hector turns to Deiphobus to ask for another spear he finds that his brother has disappeared and then it dawns on him that Minerva has tricked him to his doom. Hector, nevertheless, wants to die a glorious death and swoops upon Achilles with a sword. Achilles moves forward for an attack as well and having spotted the exposed collarbone of Hector through the armor he pierces his neck. As the last breathe leaves him Hector asks for his body to be sent to his parents instead of being devoured at the banks of the Achaen ships but Achilles does not honor his request and ridicules him. Following this the Achaen soldiers wounded the body of Hector and his body was then dragged in dirt by the chariot of Achilles. The city mourns for their hero as Hectors father, mother and w ife go manic with grief. An example of a show of honor is when Achilles shows immense resolve and righteousness for his cause as Hector nears his end. While Hector lay bleeding, he tries to entice Achilles with promises of gold and treasure if Achilles would return Hectors body to his people. Earlier when Hector asks Achilles to deliver his body to his city if he dies, he replies: â€Å"Hector stop! You unforgivable you †¦ don’t talk to me of pacts. There are no binding oaths between men and lions –

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Changes in government policy towards domestic violence Essay

Changes in government policy towards domestic violence - Essay Example Domestic violence includes female genital mutilation, forced marriage and "honour crimes". In England and Wales, domestic violence is rampant at 25% of all violent crime. Statistics of The British Crime Survey of 2000 reveal that domestic violence comprises 40% of the violent incidents reported by women and 10% of the violent incidents reported by men1. The self-completion section of the British Crime Survey of 1996 reveals that 25% of women and 17% of men will be a victim of domestic violence2. Domestic violence is a complicated issue and the police, health, social services and education bodies have to attach greater importance to it. The Government has to ensure that domestic violence is accorded the organisational priority of those bodies that have to bring about change. The self - completion section of the British Crime Survey of 1996, highlights the importance of the adoption of a well considered and planned approach to this problem. The data of this survey have revealed that 50% of the women suffering from domestic violence had children less than sixteen years in the household4. The Government's Fact sheet on Domestic Violence has recognized that "domestic violence is rarely a non-off event"5. Moreover, common assault is considered to be a comparatively minor offence, therefore considering domestic violence to be common assault detracts from the gravity of the pattern of behaviour that result in individual incidents. Domestic violence takes place in an intimate or family-type relationship and constitutes a pattern of coercive and controlling behaviour between adults. Some of the tactics employed by the perpetrators of domestic violence include psychological, sexual and physical violence, emotional and verbal abuse, isolation, threats and intimidation, harassment, destruction of property, actual or threatened harm to children and pets and financial control. Crime statistics and research have revealed that no woman irrespective of race, ethnic or religious group, class, sexuality, disability or lifestyle is safe from domestic violence, which is repetitive, life-threatening and destroys the lives of women and children. In the UK 25% to 33% of women experience domestic violence from a male partner in their lifetime, and on an average 1 woman is killed every three days in England due to domestic violence and the frequency of calls to the police for assistance is one per minute. Domestic violence incidents constitute 25% of all reported violent crime, despite the fact that less than 35% of actual domestic violence is reported to the police. It is essential for the criminal justice system to intervene and prosecute perpetrators of violence to women and children in order to improve protection and safety for abused women and children. This will permit them to lead violence free lives. A major factor that helps perpetuate

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Developing Global Managers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Developing Global Managers - Essay Example Applying one management style or theory because of its success in one place does not necessarily result in similar success in other countries. This concept has been explained based on various characteristics associated with societal beliefs, national cultures, and impact of management policies and practices in cross-national and cross-cultural settings. Therefore, before applying the management theories that originated in one country or culture, it is important to assess its implications on other cultures and countries. 2. Explain the difference between individualistic cultures and collectivist cultures and your personal experiences with culture shock. The difference between individualistic and collectivist cultures is that people in the former type, it is generally assumed and accepted that every individual is responsible for him/herself and that individual is responsible for all rewards and repercussions for his/her actions. Individual decision making is highly emphasized and do no t entertain indulgence in others privacy. The latter type believes in family or team culture in which responsibilities and repercussions are shared by the group/family. These individuals let others invade their privacy because that is thought to be respectful, and group decision making is common.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Marketing Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Marketing Management - Assignment Example Coca cola should consider and integrate diverse aspects of demographic environment including changing mixes of age, ethnicity, and variations in educational levels (Martin and John 860). Coca Cola’s marketing in 2014 requires economic analysis exploring international recession and inflation rates. The contemporary purchasing power of Coca cola consumers depends on the current earnings, costs, savings, debt, and consumer spending patterns. Coca cola marketers must take keen note of the shortages in raw materials, increased energy costs and pollution levels (Martin and John 863). Pollution levels of the non-biodegradable coca cola bottles and lids may lead to production and sales limiting by the various states and governments hence the marketers must keenly take note about it. The advancement in technology in 2014 directly affects the sales and marketing of Coca-cola. The internet and other forms of broadcasting media agencies make advertisements easier thereby increasing sales. Marketers of Coca-cola must comply and work within the stipulated laws and regulations regarding business within every country of operation. The various global governments have laws protecting coca cola and other companies from unfair competitions in the market. Individuals in various societies have varying views regarding the Coca-cola drink. The marketers must incorporate the community and individual views regarding the drink in order to be successful in the

The Speech’s Organization Essay Example for Free

The Speech’s Organization Essay George Clooney gains attention of the audience right away. He says: â€Å"I won’t try to educate you on the issues of Darfur.† By saying this, Clooney acknowledges the audience’s expertise and points out that the purpose of his speech is not to educate them, but to urge them to act appropriately on the issue. Also, Clooney starts off with a stable pace, which does not change throughout the whole speech. In the body of the speech, Clooney states that he is the representative for the people who cannot speak for themselves. With this statement he gains credibility right away, and lets the audience know that he represents not only his own, but a collective point of view. Clooney proceeds with statement that UN needs to act immediately on the issue of Darfur. Thus, he stresses his attention on the sanctity of human life by saying: â€Å"my job is †¦ to beg you on behalf of the millions of people who will die and make no mistake; they will die for you to take real and effective measures†¦Ã¢â‚¬  While saying this, Clooney keeps straight and serious face, which adds more pathos to his words. Towards the end of the speech, Clooney starts to blame UN for inaction by blaming the organization for the conflicts in Rwanda, Cambodia, and Auschwitz. Therefore, he addresses to the audience with a harsh statement: â€Å"So, after September 30th, you wont need the U.N. You will simply need men with shovels and bleached white linen and headstones. In many ways, its unfair, but it is, nevertheless, true that this genocide will be on your watch†. Even though, Clooney makes harsh arguments, he manages to deliver strong message to the audience and warns them to act immediately on the issue. Towards the conclusion, Clooney becomes less harsh and goes softer. He asks the UN to start acting on the issue of Darfur, and points out there must be no waste of time regarding the decision-making. By the end of the speech, Clooney says: â€Å"We believe in you so strongly. We need you so badly. Weve come so far. Were one yes away from ending this.† This statement, probably, was the most influential part of the speech, because Clooney begs UN to start acting on the Darfur conflict and his speech finishes with a question: â€Å"So, what is next?† The Rhetorical Situation George Clooney is known worldwide as an actor, producer, and screenwriter. However, Clooney is not only a Hollywood star, but also a political activist. After delivering the speech on the conflict on Darfur, he was named â€Å"messenger of peace† by the United Nations. Thus, Clooney has all the necessary skills for public speaking. Consequently, Clooney effectively uses rhetorical tools and delivers his speech to the audience with slightly harsh and attacking way. Delivery Throughout the whole speech, Clooney maintained strong eye contact with the audience. Also, his pace remained during the whole speech. He was not rushing, but rather trying to stress attention on every word. Clooney had great vocal variety; his voice was loud and clear. The articulation was on the high level, and it was easy to understand everything that he was saying. For the body language, it was visible that Clooney was trying to hide his hands, as he kept them crossed on the table. By doing this, he has created the feeling that either he was hiding something or was not completely honest about what he was saying. Even though, the speaker was passionate and persuasive, he was reading too much from his notes. His speech was quite short, thus, he could have memorized it and he could have more impact on the audience if he did not use any notes. Also, Clooney’s speech sounded bit too harsh. Sometimes it seemed like he was trying to blame UN for everything bad happening worldwide.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Compare the ways in which ambition is presented in Act 1 of Macbeth and chapter 5 of Frankenstein Essay Example for Free

Compare the ways in which ambition is presented in Act 1 of Macbeth and chapter 5 of Frankenstein Essay Compare the ways in which ambition is presented in Act 1 of ‘Macbeth’ and chapter 5 of ‘Frankenstein’. Pay close attention to the writers presentation of ideas and relate your thoughts to the social and historical content of the texts. Ambition is a passion for something so strong that weaker individuals will become utterly seized by it. We see this in both protagonists in the two texts. Macbeth is first shown as a noble warrior. Shakespeare uses the language of the other characters such as ‘the captain,’ to underline and suggest what had happened and what will happen throughout the plot. Shakespeare uses the phrase â€Å"But all’s too weak/ for brave Macbeth† to explain Macbeth’s capability in the beginning of act one. Although we soon learn that he leaves his nobility behind as his selfish ambition takes control of mind. The words have been chosen to make the phrase dramatic and shocking to the audience, as Macbeth has just slaughtered â€Å"Macdonwald†, Shakespeare uses punctuation to split up the sentences as Shelly also does when ‘Frankenstein’ is terrified that the monster could be lurking in his home in Inglestad when he returns with ‘Clerval’. The novelist also does this when Frankenstein becomes manic due to his relief at seeing ‘Clerval’ and the fear of his creation. This technique is used so that the texts are read or performed in a disjointed manner which creates a sense of anticipation. Mary Shelley wrote ‘Frankenstein’ as an outlet of her experiences throughout her previous years and to express her feelings of grief, anxiety and shock from her childhood. When Mary Shelley was younger, her own ambition was to have a child to love and care for. This ambition and hope was shot down when her baby died soon after its birth. This could be the inspiration that she used for the creation and the unkind response given by the world to it. We learn much about the protagonist victor Frankenstein and his utterly selfish ambition throughout chapter five. This is the climax of his scientific obsession, he finally manages to bring the creature to life after his â€Å"Candle was nearly burnt out†. Shelley uses this metaphor to indicate that Frankenstein only had a small amount of his candle left to work by, and that he was close to giving up, and that his ‘Candle of hope’ was nearly extinguished. We can see parallels between Macbeth and Frankenstein where in the last act of the play, Macbeth describes how he sees life and death. He uses the words â€Å"Out out brief candle! Life’s but a walking shadow†¦Ã¢â‚¬  to display his thoughts about the light or flame of life and how he now wishes he could blow out his candle so that he may die. A candle will flicker, shrink and grow through time and these uses of the word make me imagine the ups and downs of our lives until finally, they weaken and extinguish. The authors use the idea of a candle as it is often used as a symbol of light, hope and expectation. Frankenstein describes his own ambition to create the monster when he tells us that he had â€Å"desired it with an ardour†. Shelley uses â€Å"desired† to make us realise that Victor Frankenstein has wanted this success for a long time and that he has dreamed about it, the word â€Å"ardour† is in this phrase as it makes one think of a deep and intense passion of love in which Frankenstein is referring to the monster by. He contradicts this by using it in the past tense to explain that he regrets his decision to bring life to the monster. Frankenstein says that his aspiration â€Å"†¦far exceeded moderation† when talking about his hope to create a life. Shelley has used the words â€Å"exceeded moderation† to display the extent to which Victor Frankenstein had wished to succeed as a scientist. Although Victor Frankenstein, automatically rejects the creation when he views its appearance. This tells me that Frankenstein is very shallow and intolerant as he does not give the â€Å"utterly benevolent,† creature a moment to be understood or loved. Shelley uses this expression to compare the Frankenstein’s creation a new born babe as babies are completely innocent when they are first born. Shakespeare also introduces the idea of children and violent acts with Lady Macbeth when she tells us about the horrifying moves she is willing to take to have the opportunity to become Queen. Lady Macbeth says the expression â€Å"†¦dashd the brains out† to turn the beautiful and natural act of breastfeeding into something monstrous, she is comparing killing her â€Å"babe† while breastfeeding to killing King Duncan. The word â€Å"dash’d† has been used to emphasise the speed at which she would kill her child and the Shakespeare has used punctuation to create this effect. I believe that this is where Frankenstein begins to fall due to his ambition and, in contrast to Macbeth, he dies not realise that what he is doing and has done is wrong. Macbeth describes his hopes for King Duncan’s death as â€Å"black and deep desires†, which tells me that Macbeth recognises the immorality of his wishes. Frankenstein and Macbeth both soon become arrogant and totally selfish. Macbeth also turns evil and bloodthirsty. Shelley and Shakespeare both warn their audience of the potential threats and consequences of trying to play the role of God by creating, destroying or changing life.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Abercrombie and Fitch Popularity Among Youths

Abercrombie and Fitch Popularity Among Youths The study will use consumer behaviour theories and marketing models to explain and analyse why Abercrombie and Fitch (AF) is popular among young generation despite the impact of negative events. Abercrombie and Fitch Co, an American retailer of fashion and casual clothes targets at young people, has already expanded to some European countries and Japan before 2010. AF has become a controversial brand from the last decade, despite it caters to cool, attractive, fashion-conscious consumers by offering product to meet their needs through different life stages ( Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, 2009) and is high-achievement in sales performance, it was chosen the 9th the most hated companies in America in 2009 (RankingTheBrand, 2009). The company was criticized during 2002 by issuing t-shirt with words Wong Brothers Laundry Service Two Wongs Can Make It White and pictures with stereotype of Chinese people (Appendix 1) which was deemed to disregard Asian people; In June 2003, several Hispanic, black and Asian plaintiffs complained that when they applied for jobs, they were steered not to sales positions out front, but to low-visibility, back-of-the-store jobs, stocking and cleaning up (Greenhouse, 2004). Moreover, AF overemphasizes appearance of its employees, sexual hint in commercial and strong perfume also intrigue the serious social concern. Based on these critical issues mentioned above, the brand still gain profit from the sales of trendy outfits.Brand identity serves to provide direction, purpose, and meaning for the brand (Aaker,2002,p68), and branding is often used by manufabtures as a means of adding symbolic value to a item(Banister,Hogg,2002,p193). Besides, clothing is also deemed as a highly symbolic product category and its high visibility which means that people will often make asumptions about others purely on the basis of their clothes (Banister, Hogg, 2002, p191).Therefore, many people wear specific styles of clothes and brands in order to express their personality and social status. The brand personality is according to peoples personality and characteristics to create its value and image,which can be recognised by or is attractive to the average public of one will not necessarily be recognized or found attractive to the average public of another culture (Mooij,2004); relating to Geert Hofstede Cultural Di mensions, Mooji(2004) also mentions that the different characteristics between individualist cultures and collectivistic cultures; the former consider the brand should unique and distinct but the latter mention that people tend to define a brand as being part of brand world. As AF is origin from the individualistic culture, which define itself as an exclusive American casual clothing brand which has been specially designed for college students of 18 to 22 years old and implies that you are young, beautiful, smart, and chic. Their clothes are worn with confidence and carefree insouciance (Abecrombie4sale, 2010). With these personalities that AF emphasises and expresses by store decoration, commercials and appealing sexy salespeople(Appendix 2). Customers who wear the clothes can express their differentiation, lifestyle and show their good shapes; even more, to pursuit what kind of lifestyle or status they would like to be. Humanizing a brand empowers it to play a more central role in the consumers life, potentially enabling the consumer to project an aspect of his or her self that might be desirable for relationships he or she seeks (Aaker 1997; Wallendorf and Arnould 1988). It is important for brands to position their identity clearly because the symbolism that consumers attach to these brands would become confused if contradictory messages were communicated (Hines, Bruce, 2002). AF clarify its target marketing segment and identity its products are as the best casual wears and outfits that combine style and elegance with comfort and relaxation(Abecrombie4sale,2010). Brand names are symbolic entities that can help consumers in signaling important attributes to others (Belk 1988; Levy 1959; Wallendorf and Arnould 1988).Brands also had many benefit for company. For example, brands can add product value as well as create customer loyalty. In fact, one of important reasons for successful branding is to exhibit itself heterogeneous from others. AF, a fashion brand which is popular among its target consumer ages of 18 through 22, is always a trend leader these years. Fashion innovation is an ongoing process because consumer wants and needs are unending and constantly changing(Mueller Smiley, 1995, p5); therefore, keeping creative and attractive is the consistent mission for fashion marketing because the product life circle is short. Fads are an extreme form of fashion product, accentuating the rapid sales increase follow by the rapid decline(BrassingtonPettitt, 2006), but for a prominent brand which brings and leads market trend rather than be a follo wer. Although the frequent use of celebrities as spokespersons stems from a belief that pairing a product with a well-regarded celebrity would improve consumers perceptions of the brand (Kamins Gupta, 1994), AF only hires models to display its products and images that close to customers. The interial design and ambient are similar to the night club with dynamic music and every salesperson in stores are waggling with music that creates complete different shopping experience for customers. As music provides a vehicle through which young people could express themselves according to their music taste with the appropriate forms of dress and fashion (Miles, 2000). Hence, exposure to exciting brands influences self-perceptions of hedonism, and exposure to competent brands induces higher self-ratings of sophistication (Fennis Pruyn, 2006). We are what we wear (Belk, 1988) to make their personality standout with pride and confidence. AF represents an identity which combines the top fashion style and relaxing atmosphere that match and attract teens to conduct their purchasing activates. Following the writer will analyses the identity issues related to the recent coverage and use Brand Identity Prisom (Kapferer, 1997) to explain the internalization and externalization factors of AF. Identity issues important in press coverage 2-1: Cases for theses issues In fact, there are many controversial issues about the brand including its look policy which is argued by relating to racial discrimination and sexual hint for customers that there are some examples listed below. However, people queue outside the AF stores in London and Tokyo for shopping; still more, it is common for Taiwanese teenagers to order AF products online. These situations involve the teenagers self-identity. (1). A US clothing company has been forced to pull a line of T-shirts from its shops after they triggered protests from Asians who complained they perpetuated racist caricatures.(BBCNEWS, 2002). (2). Clothing retailer Abercrombie Fitch hires a disproportionately white sales force, puts minorities in less-visible jobs and cultivates a virtually all-white image in its catalogs and elsewhere, a lawsuit charges(USA TODAY,2003). (3). Abercrombie failed to accommodate her religious beliefs by making an exception to the Look Policy. These actions constitute discrimination against Ms. Elauf on the basis of religion. (Gregory,2009). (4). Disabled worker wins case for wrongful dismissal against Abercrombie Fitch(Guardian,2009). 2-2 The influence of Brand Identity of AF Brand identity should help establish a relationship between the brand and customer (Aaker, 1996, p68), while brand identity means what the brand wishes to create or preserve and deliver to people depth and fullness (Aperia, Back, 2004) .Thus, when the controversial events occurred, we can examine and relate the brand by Brand Identity Trap (Aaker, 1996) (Appendix 3); there are four parts: brand image trap, brand position trap, predict attribute trap and external prospect trap. The Brand Image Trap: Which means customer perceive the brand from the brand image rather than the identity the brand want to convey. As the discrimination scandal exploded, young, confident, smart, American casual and fashion impression was covered by discriminating people who are not Caucasian or disabled. The Brand Position Trap: How strategists want the brand to be perceived(Aaker,1996) is misled to brand position which is a part of brand identity; therefore, the information couldnt be transferred completely. The tendency to focus on product attribute is intensified that the goal becomes an advertising tag line but no room for brand personality,organizational associations and so on those are crucial to the brand- building(Aaker,1996).To AF, the focus and perception might come from the advertising with young people with good figure and most of them are half-naked with intimate body language which critics complained that its explicit images bordered on pornography (Dunlap,2007). Hence, if the incomplete information adds to negative issues from public media, it is more difficult to expand new market. Therefore, despite the fact that AF still have many loyal customers,these scandals may make customer re-examine the brand.While AF continuely makes effort to manage its identity and use publice relation policy to remain good relationship with customers. The Product-Attribute Fixation Trap: The part indicates a brand emphasizes on the product attributes and ignore other parts. According to Aaker (1996), a brand is more than a product, it includes much more characteristics or it may lose its competitive advantage. For AF, it not only emphasizes its product, but also includes other factors and spirit in the brand: -Brand users: young generation (18-22) -Country of origin: America -Organizational associations: Casual, Trendy, Caucasian -Brand personality: Young, Beautiful, Smart, and Chic. Sexy -Symbols: Moose -Brand-customer relationships: Using social media to communicate with customers, Discrimination -Emotional benefits Self-expressive benefits: modernity, style, slenderness and easy carrying, Based form the above, the Italics are the negative impression percived by some people form controversial news which impact on how people think of the brand. However, because of 2004 class-action settlement, Abercrombie Fitch agreed to add more blacks, Hispanics and Asians to its marketing materials (Steven, 2004). The External Prospect Trap: The trap means the firm fails to realise how important to communicate to customers what is the brand about. From this aspect, AF successful use social media such as official website, blog and facebook (its fans has over one million on facebook) to communicate with customers, explain the idea and diffentiation from other brands. The policy can make the brand more close to the public and can deal with crisis more quickly and directly (Sherman, 2009). 2-3. Why AF is so popular-In-group Out-group Self-identity which consists of whatever individuals consider to be theirs, including their body, family, possessions moods, emotions, conscience, attitudes, values, traits, and social position.(Mooji, 2004, p98); in other word, self-identity is an individual who thinks who he/she is or would like to be. Self, can divide into four part: actual self, ideal self, social self and social ideal self (Mittal,2008).At least four different approach can be identified in self-identity studies that deal directly with product image: (1) product image as it relates to the stereotypic image of the generalized product user; (2) product image in direct the generalized product user; (3) sex-typed product image association with the self-concept(identity); (4) differentiated images(Sirgy,1982). To AF, the image is party-loving jocks and bare-naked ladies living fantasy lives (Leung, 2004), with sexy model and sales people. The clothes are designed to show perfect body curve for each gender; besides, th e decoration, music, perfume and the style are well-recognized from others. Once the image matches to an individuals ideal self, the consumer behaviour of an individual will be directed toward enhancing self-concept through the consumption of goods as symbol (Grubb, Grathwohl, 1976). Group members and different cultures also can influence consumer behaviour. Consumers have stronger self brand connections to brands consistent with an in-group than brands inconsistent with an in-group and weaker self-brand connections to brands consistent with an out-group than brands inconsistent with out-group (Escalas, Bettman, 2005) .In- groups are usually characterized by similarities among members. Individuals have a sense of common fate with members of the in-group; out-groups are groups with which one has something to divide, groups that disagree on valued attributes(Mooji,2004.p160). Nevertheless, in collectivistic cultures in-groups influence members mutually more than individualistic culture because of more frequent and deep interaction. Mooji(2004) points out in-group relationships in collectivistic cultures are usually limited to three groups: family, company and University in-group; members of individualistic cultures have to invest time in friendship, and they belong to many specific in-groups that may change over time. To who from collectivistic cultures, choosing a brand or lifestyle are usually influenced by other in-group members to demonstrate they are belong to the groups, which would decrease the power for the external image damage of the brand. For people from individualistic cultures, individuals are intend to self-oriented, serving and guarding their personal interests and even may oppose to sacrificing for the group or society (Mittal,2008,p230), individuals choose what they want and express rather than change their mind easily by the public media. Due to the brand image, and identity are exactly position for young people, those could be the factors why AF can still possess numerous supporters both in collectivistic and individualistic cultures. Brand identity-Prism The essence of a strong brand is that it is sufficiently differentiated to the extent that it cannot be easily replicated by its competitors (Fill, 2005, p356). Kapferer(1992) indicated that brand identity is the centre concept for building a brand and should be identified and managed by the brand owner. The brand identity prism(Kapferer,2004) is a tool to analyse a brand, which is consisted of six intrinsic and extrinsic facets: Personality,Culture,Self-image,Physique,Relationship,Reflection.The brand owner can use this model to be able to study the brand in depth, and find its strengths and weaknesses; moreover, it gives the full picture of how the brand owner wants the target group to perceive the brands identity(Aperia,Back,2004). 3-1. Brand Identity Prism and AF Internal facets (1).Personality- Human characteristics bestow on a brand: AF displays the personality young, beautiful, smart, and chic. Their clothes are worn with confidence and carefree insouciance (Abecrombie4sale, 2010). In addition, it includes relaxed and sociable personality inside the brand as well as expresses modernity, style, slenderness and easy carrying those have been the most prominent features (Abecrombie4sale, 2010). (2).Culture-Values of a brand: AF mainly represents people between 18 to 22 year-old American middle- to middle-upper class young Caucasian, with casual fashion style and encourage customer to show their body by wearing the AF clothes. It emphasizes the origin of New York City and America leisure culture; even some consider it also belong to the white gay men culture (Mcbride, 2005). (3). Self-image-A individuals internal mirror related to a brand: When people are wearing AF clothes they might feel themselves belonging to middle- to middle-upper class, urban life as well as educated due to the targets are university students with confident, fashion, passionate, popular and enjoy party life. External facets (1).Physique- The sum of a brands basic characteristics: Decoration: The decoration of each store is similar.The exterior of the modern canoe store is designed features white molding and black louvers, and interior is lit with dim ceiling lights and spot lighting (Wikipedia).In entrance, customers can take picture with shirtless male models in artfully unbuttoned jeans s and big poster on the wall. As for the dim light which may influence customers to choose and judge clothes. Ambience: With fierce male fragrance, which is one of the most popular products for the brand for many years, spread around the store. Electronic dance music also permeate the store that make shopping as clubbing(Lane,2009).However, the negative side reveal that some people protest the loud music which may harmful for hearing ability and the perfume is too strong as well as could include some unknowing toxic components. Employees: Employees in AF are chosen according AFs look policy :employees should represent AF with natural, classic American style consistent with the companys brand and look great while exhibiting individuality(Coraline,2009).They wear AF clothes to show their figure as well as dance with music. But the staff look could influence teenagers esthetic conception ; Thus, there are many controversial issues about hiring employees with discrimination standards those would attack AFs reputation. Product Range: Jackets, underwear, swim shorts, t-shirts, and just about any other article of clothing that can be thought of are found among the many Abercrombie Fitch products for males, females even kids, besides the perfumes are also included(Abecrombie4sale,2010). Logo: The famous brand has a well-recognized logo-gray moose. The logo has been heavily printed on AF products including cap, fleece, and logo t-shirts, underwear and others to further promote it (AlaDream, 2007-2008) (2).Relationship-The relationship between a brand and its customers: AF try to remain friendly relationship with customers. Employees are train to have good interaction with customers and enjoy their shopping experience. Customer can use many channels for customer service and share their opinons via phones, websites and social media. Those are useful tool to examine the relationship and satisfaction with customers. (3).Reflection-What customers see a brand? What the customer see the brand are middle-to-middle-upper class, young, fashion and good shape; furthermore, valuing leisure activities and enjoy life as well as popular casual American East Coast and Caucasian styles. The negative reflection, racial discrimination or the brand for gay men may also display on customers reflection. Brand personality, culture and customers self-image are the invisible facets. These cannot be gotten at unless analysis methods focus on penetrating the consumers subconscious mind. Other three concepts, on the other hand, are explicit and fairly easy to pinpoint in conventional studies (Aperia, Back, 2005).Though the tool is practical for analyses of brands, there are still some limitations. The dimensions may overlap and the factors inside the facets are different according to different perception for each customer. However, it is still an essential tool and worth to be utilized by brand owners to consider how to build a successful brand, attract the target segment and enhance the image as well as its reputation. Conclusion: The essay is to analyse why the famous American fashion brand-Abercrombie and Fitch is so popular among young people. With its insist of quality,consistent branding personality and identity, the stock trend are growing overall during the decade except 2008, the period of globally economical recession, the stock price drop dramatically; however, the stock price increases afterward (msnmoney,2010). From the analysis of its personality and identity, it successful builds a kingdom for people hope to fulfill his/her ideal self or even social ideal self. A mans Self is the sum total of all that he CAN call his, not only his body and his psychic powers, but his clothes (Belk, 1988). AF aims the third stage of the extended self possessions help adolescents and adults manage their identities (Belk, 1988) and using marketing strategy to make the brand become the index for young people in terms of fashion and lifestyle. Hence, the in-group members follow the trend who contributes to the market share. Because the brand origin is from a low power distance country- America(Appendix4) that the society are relatively equal as well as encourage more people to fulfill what that want. Brand identity Prism, a model to analyse six facets of AF,is a pratical tool for understand a brand. limitations: Due to the limited time and word limitation, the writer cannot acquire more models to analyse the brand; besides, lacking of enough information also confine the research which needs database about the influence of AFs negative events and opinions for the brand.Through sufficient source, the writer could apply more accurate and penatrating way to discuss those issues in depth. Recommendation: For future analysis, the writer should attribute sufficient time to implement and adopt more marketing and consumer behaviour models as well as theories, which could understand AF thoroughly.Though it is still a popular brand nowadays, some out-group members or segments suffered form unequal treatment form the brand are unwilling to purchase its product or decrease their deire. Such dissociative reference groups have for consumers self-brand connections, evaluations, and choices (Dahl, White, 2007) that can infuence others consumer behaviour. Therefore, it is proper to strengthen its CSR and communication with customers.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ :: Essays about Jesus Christ

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." This verse - John 3:16 - is perhaps the most important in the Bible. Jesus Christ was the son of God, but he was also the son of man. Jesus had a human mother, Mary (see Luke 1:30-31 for example), but his father was God (see John 3:18 for example). Jesus was human, not God. Consider 1 Timothy 2:5:"For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;" There could not be a clearer statement that Christ was a man. Because Christ was human he experienced all the trials and temptations that we experience. Christ, however was strong enough to resist all temptation and lived a life without sinning - that is without disobeying God."[Jesus Christ] was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin." (Hebrews 4:15). Christ was "obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.". (Philippians 2:8) "Sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death." (James 1:15), or as Paul puts it in Romans 6:23 " the wages of sin is death". Christ never sinned, and therefore did not earn the wages of sin. Therefore God raised him from the dead "having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it." (Acts 2:24). The full story of Christ's death and resurrection can be found in Matthew 27 & 28, Mark 15 & 16, Luke 23 & 24, and John 18 - 21. After his resurrection Christ spent some time with his disciples. Then he ascended into heaven. He will one day return from heaven to rule on earth as King. The Crucifixion Jesus Christ lived a sinless life even up to his death by crucifixion. Far from being a way of appeasing a wrathful God for the sins of Mankind the Crucifixion is really an example of God's love toward us. Consider Romans 5:8 "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.". At first this seems slightly strange: how was God's love manifested towards us through the Crucifixion? Through his death Christ gained forgiveness of sins for all who follow him (see "baptism"). Titus 3:13,14 says "our Saviour Jesus Christ; Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity".

Basketball and My Life Essay -- Personal Narratives Sports Athletics E

Basketball and my life I have throughout my whole life been playing sports. I still play basketball competitively and now it’s at the university level. Basketball though was not my first love when it came to playing sports. It has though become my true focus since junior high school. Coming from Canada everybody plays hockey. Its almost as if as soon as you learn to walk you learn how to skate. Whether it is at the recreation centre or at the shinny rink around the corner everyone plays. Eventually I abandoned hockey to play basketball which I have done so for the last twelve years of my life and hopefully a few more years into the future. It happened watching it on television seeing all the great players such as Michael Jordan, Hakeem Olajuwon and Larry Bird. The most important influence would have had to been my mother who in her younger years played basketball for the Canadian junior national team. It was when she was playing at the gym I would tag along and just play around. Although I played both basketball and hockey until grade seven it just seemed I was better suited for basketball. With that rate that I had been growing at I was taller and with all the help that I received from my mom I had developed basketball wise much faster than many of the other children my age. Once I became focused on just one sport I started to strive to become like those aforementioned players. Soon though I realized that only a select and lucky few will ever become as great as them and get a chance to play in the NBA. But I never lost my drive to become the best player that I could become. I tried to achieve this by spending all my free hours in the gym working on all aspects of my game. All the time and effort paid off. Th... ...een able to do that. I have been averaging ten points and six rebounds more than anyone expected from me when I arrived here in Flagstaff at the beginning of the year, no one was even expecting me to even play. With the way that I have been able to play another door has opened up for me that I once thought was nearly impossible. That is the chance to play on the Canadian junior national team like my mother once did. This would be a great accomplishment for myself as well for all of my coaches that have helped me to reach my potential and get me to where I am today. And as my focus has changed from hockey when I was a child to basketball now many new doors have opened for me and I am very thankful. But it’s not over yet as I hope one day to play for my national basketball team and if all works out well maybe get a chance to get paid to play the game that I love.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Tuite’s Literary Criticism of Lewis’ The Monk Essay -- Monk

Tuite’s Literary Criticism of Lewis’ The Monk I would like to preface this by saying that one of the things I learned from this exercise is that, just because an article exists in published form, does not necessarily mean that it is a good article. This is the conclusion I reached after plowing, dictionary in hand, through two articles that were, respectively, ridiculously elementary after one hacked through the jargon, and entirely absurd and unsupported. Disheartened, I went searching again, and this time, came up with "Cloistered Closets: Enlightenment Pornography, The Confessional State, Homosexual Persecution and The Monk," by Clara Tuite, and it is this article that I am writing about. Tuite's only fault in this article is perhaps that she tries to tackle too much. (Something else I'm discovering as I try to summarize it.) Essentially, she tries to prove the existence of visible homoerotic elements in The Monk, and their link to antiCatholicism. No small feat. She quotes Coleridge in his review of The Monk as saying, the novel blends "with an irreverent negligence, all that is most awfully true in religion with all that is most ridiculously absurd in superstition" (1). The reason this is problematic for Coleridge, according to Tuite, is that it reveals the inherent hypocrisy in the English Church, that is, that the Church condemns, with superstitious intensity, the rituals and superstitions of the Catholic Church. Coleridge fears, "Lewis' contamination of Protestantism by Catholicism" (2). Since at this time a great deal of the English State/Church depended on the assumption that Catholicism was low and wrong and Protestantism the ultimate right, the parallels draw n between Protestantism and Catholicism by Lewis were ... ...Lewis attempts, through this, to disassociate homosexuality with Catholicism, thereby trying to make a Hated Other, at least hated only once over, not twice (9). This, I thought, was an excellent article. Tuite has some very good points, which explained, at least partially, some of the questions I had as to Lewis' intentions with the homoerotic elements in the novel, which to my mind, he had included, but never really developed. Essentially, Tuite clarified for me why, though Ambrosio commits every other kind of sinful" excess, this is one he leaves untouched. And I think she proves a very valid argument. Works Cited Tuite, Clara. "Cloistered Closets: Enlightenment Pornography, The Confessional Sate, Homosexual Persecution anal The Monk." Romanticism On the Net 8 (November 1997): n. pag. Online. Internet. (4/5/98) Tuite’s Literary Criticism of Lewis’ The Monk Essay -- Monk Tuite’s Literary Criticism of Lewis’ The Monk I would like to preface this by saying that one of the things I learned from this exercise is that, just because an article exists in published form, does not necessarily mean that it is a good article. This is the conclusion I reached after plowing, dictionary in hand, through two articles that were, respectively, ridiculously elementary after one hacked through the jargon, and entirely absurd and unsupported. Disheartened, I went searching again, and this time, came up with "Cloistered Closets: Enlightenment Pornography, The Confessional State, Homosexual Persecution and The Monk," by Clara Tuite, and it is this article that I am writing about. Tuite's only fault in this article is perhaps that she tries to tackle too much. (Something else I'm discovering as I try to summarize it.) Essentially, she tries to prove the existence of visible homoerotic elements in The Monk, and their link to antiCatholicism. No small feat. She quotes Coleridge in his review of The Monk as saying, the novel blends "with an irreverent negligence, all that is most awfully true in religion with all that is most ridiculously absurd in superstition" (1). The reason this is problematic for Coleridge, according to Tuite, is that it reveals the inherent hypocrisy in the English Church, that is, that the Church condemns, with superstitious intensity, the rituals and superstitions of the Catholic Church. Coleridge fears, "Lewis' contamination of Protestantism by Catholicism" (2). Since at this time a great deal of the English State/Church depended on the assumption that Catholicism was low and wrong and Protestantism the ultimate right, the parallels draw n between Protestantism and Catholicism by Lewis were ... ...Lewis attempts, through this, to disassociate homosexuality with Catholicism, thereby trying to make a Hated Other, at least hated only once over, not twice (9). This, I thought, was an excellent article. Tuite has some very good points, which explained, at least partially, some of the questions I had as to Lewis' intentions with the homoerotic elements in the novel, which to my mind, he had included, but never really developed. Essentially, Tuite clarified for me why, though Ambrosio commits every other kind of sinful" excess, this is one he leaves untouched. And I think she proves a very valid argument. Works Cited Tuite, Clara. "Cloistered Closets: Enlightenment Pornography, The Confessional Sate, Homosexual Persecution anal The Monk." Romanticism On the Net 8 (November 1997): n. pag. Online. Internet. (4/5/98)

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Writing Paragraphs

Should boys and girls be in separate classes? 2. Should the government place a tax on Junk food and fatty foods? 3. Should students' textbooks be replaced by notebook computers? 4. Pretend you woke up one day and there were no rules. People could suddenly do whatever they wanted! Would this be a positive or negative outcome? Answers (jot notes): 1. No because†¦ A. When they're out of college, and they have a job, it's not going to be separated by gender.They need to learn how to communicate with the opposite gender. B. It will Increase more Judgment between genders. . For Example when you were a child you thought the opposite gender has some type of diseases except you will think that through most of your school years and this may cause a lot of misunderstanding between men and women. C. I believe If a child has been going to school with the opposite gender this child will grow up not know how to respond when they do come into contact with the opposite gender. . The opposite gen ders might start to think that they are better or smarter than the other gender which could cause conflicts between each other In the future. 2. No because†¦ A. People would still buy, I. Example Even though government has raised prices on tobacco and cigarettes people are still buying them b. Government shouldn't tell people what to eat. Let the people do what they want. C. Everyone shouldn't have to suffer due to some people being overweight. 3. No because†¦ A.If all the student's assignments, and textbooks, and other data is on the computer and the computer is lost, stolen, or all of its data somehow gets erased then the student's marks will suffer drastically. B. People may use computers inappropriately, and since the devices are very distracting students may not listen to the teacher. . A lot of people get headaches when stare at a computer screen for a long time and using computers the whole day is a long time. D. This could lead to a generation of people who rely on computers, and they may not be able to function without computers. . Negative because†¦ A. People will no longer be able to differentiate between bad and good b. People may decide to start doing bad things. 1 OFF to the teachers, they probably wouldn't finish their work and that may cause them to suffer in the future. C. Crime rates may also possibly increase as people would know hat if they were to do something bad there would be no punishment as there are no rules. Answers (paragraph form): 1. I don't think that boys and girls should be placed in separate classes. This may cause increased Judgment about the other gender.For example when you were a child you thought the opposite gender has some type of diseases except you will think that through most of your school years and this may cause a lot of misunderstanding between men and women. I believe if a child has been going to school with the opposite gender this child will grow up not know how to respond hen they do come into contact with the opposite gender. The opposite genders might start to think that they are better or smarter than the other gender which could cause conflicts between each other in the future.Also, when they are out of college, and they have a Job, it's not going to be separated by gender. They need to learn how to communicate with the opposite gender. These are the reasons why I think that boys and girls shouldn't be separated into different classes. 2. The government should not place a tax on Junk food and fatty foods. First of all, the government should not be telling people what to eat. Just let the people eat and do what they desire. I think that people would still buy the Junk and fatty food if their price was increased.For example when the prices of tobacco and cigarettes are raised, people don't stop smoking, they still continue to smoke and the same thing would probably happen with Junk food. And last of all, why should everyone be punished and have to pay more even if they are not overweight or obese. For example if you were innocent, but you the police thought you were the person who committed the crime and they punished you, would that be fair? No that wouldn't be, o are being punished for something you didn't do.It's the same thing with Junk food, why would the people who are not obese and overweight have to pay more for junk and fatty foods. This is why I believe the government should not place a tax on junk food and fatty foods. 3. I believe that student textbooks should not be replaced by note book computers. First of all, students may use these devices inappropriately during school time, and since the devices are distracting they may not pay attention to the teacher. For example many students who claim to be using their phones, or ablest for an assignment are actually playing games or testing, not doing the work they are given.Also, these devices aren't very trustworthy, and they could easily malfunction or be stolen, and it would cost a lot f or them to be replaced. For example if all of a student's work was on the computer, and the computer broke, got stolen, or malfunctioned then the student's marks may decrease drastically, and it wouldn't even be there fault. They would be getting punished for something that was not in their control. A lot of people tend to get headaches when staring at computer screens ND of the day, and this would be shown in their academic progress.This could also produce a generation of drone-like people who would not be able to function without computers, and people will no longer know how to do anything manually, like writing a sentence on a piece of paper with a pen. I think textbooks should not be replaced with notebook computers. 4. I think having no rules would have a negative outcome. First of all, people would not be able to differentiate between bad and good. These could lead to conflicts in the future. People may start to do bad things.For example if dents came to school one day and the y had no rules, like listening to the teachers, they probably wouldn't finish their work and that may cause them to suffer in the future. Crime rates may also possibly increase as people would know that if they were to do something bad there would be no punishment as there are no rules. For example if you were really greedy, and you wanted to be rich, then you would probably rob a bank, if there were no rules, because you would know there would be no punishment or consequences. This is why having no rules would have a negative outcome.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

SPR Based Fiber Optic Sensor

SPR base Fiber Optic Sensor Utilizing keen Film of Nickel Kruti Shah and NavneetK. Sharma Department of physics and Materials Science and Engineering,Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, A-10,Sector-62, Noida-201307,India jibe author Abstract.Fiber opthalmic demodulator ground on protrude plasmon ring, employing scale down film of nickel note is presented analytically. Increase in thickness of nickel film results in the enhancement of sensibility of the demodulator. SPR Sensor support by larger-than-life thickness of nickel film possesses maximum aesthesia.INTRODUCTIONSurface plasmon resonance i.e. SPR article of belief has been an important perceptual experience method transgressce hold thirty years. In the beginning, chemical perceptual experience utilizing SPR is demonstrated by Liedberg et al. 1.Collective resounding oscillations of free electrons survive on metal horizontal surface. It produces charge constriction wave move along the metal shape. This charge density wave is transverse wave in nature and is identified as surface plasmon wave. Surface plasmon wave is excited by incident p-polarized clear up. For examining surface plasmon resonance, Kretschmann geometry is exercised 2, 3. Optical case based SPR sensors offer many advantages than middleal prism based SPR sensors 4-6.In the past, lot of research is conducted on optical reference based SPR sensors 7-10. In recent times, nickel (Ni) is shown to let on sensing relevance because of its excellent magnetoelectric machine optical merits 11. Apart from this, Ni is chemically inactive and the cost of Ni is pass up than that of noble metals. Hence, the use of Ni sooner of noble metals decreases the price of SPR sensor. Current bring discusses a SPR based persona optic sensor utilizing thin film of Ni. progeny of thickness of Ni film on the sensitivity of SPR sensor is illustrated. sensitiveness is intensify with the emergence in the thickne ss of Ni film.THEORYSensing system of the sensor contains fiber encumbrance-Ni bed- hear medium. tractile cladding about the core from the of import part of step might multimode PCS fiber is eradicated and is covered with thin horizontal surface of Ni. This layer of Ni is ultimately enclosed by the example medium. Incident light from a white light source is allowed to forecast into one end of the optical fiber and the transmitted light is noticed at the opposite end of the optical fiber.The core of optical fiber is formed by consolidated silica. Refractive index of f apply silica alters with wavelength as, 23 22322 22221 22111b ab ab a) ( n? +? +? + = (1) Here, ? is the wavelength of incident light in m and a1, a2, a3, b1, b2 and b3 atomic number 18 Sellmeier coefficients. The values of coefficients, used in (1) are specified as, a1 = 0.6961663, a2 = 0.4079426, a3 = 0.8974794, b1 = 0.0684043 m, b2 = 0.1162414 m and b3 = 9.896161 m 12.The dielectric unending of a metal do-n othing be mentioned as, ) ( 1 ) (22? ? ? ? ?i ic pcmi mr m+ ? = + = (2) Where, ?p and ?c are plasma and impact wavelengths of the metal respectively. For, Ni p?= 2.5381 x 10-7 m andc?= 2.8409 x 10-5 m. Also, the dielectric constant of sample medium is written as,2s sn =? where, sn is refractile index of the sample medium. Resonance condition for the surface plasmon wave is written as, K Re sin nsp=12 (3) Here, 2 22s ms ms ms mspn nc K+ =+ =? is the wave vector of surface plasmon wave and c is the amphetamine of light in vacuum. Reflection coefficient of p-polarized light is calculated by using intercellular substance method 13.Normalized transmitted power from the sensor is computed as 14. Further, the sensitivity of sensor can be described as pitch in resonance wavelength per unit diversity in refractive index of sample medium 15. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION For simulation, refractive index of sample medium is presumed to be altered from 1.33 to 1.37. Values of various para meters used are mentioned as fibers numerical aperture = 0.24, core diam of fiber = 600 m and exposed sensing region length = 15 mm. contractable power from the sensor is measured for diametric thicknesses (20 nm-80 nm) of Ni layer and consequent resonance wavelengths are measured. Resonance wavelengths for different thicknesses sum up linearly with increase in the refractive index of the sample medium. 20 40 60 80 0 15003000 4500 6000 7500Sensitivity (nm/RIU)Thickness of Ni layer (nm) FIGURE 1. Variation of sensitivity with thickness of Ni layer. Figure 1 represents the variation of sensitivity with Ni layer thickness.Ni layer thickness is increase from 20 nm to 80 nm. Sensitivity is exaggerated with increase in Ni layer thickness. The reason for this enhancement in sensitivity is ascribed to high value of truly part of dielectric constant of Ni. accordingly for a fixed change in refractive index of sample medium, Ni enhances the shift between resonance wavelengths. This resul ts in enhanced sensitivity of sensor with increase in Ni layer thickness.Thus, large Ni layer thickness leads in high sensitivity of SPR based sensor.CONCLUSIONS notional analysis of SPR based fiber optic sensor with thin layer of Ni is carried out. Sensitivity of SPR based sensor is enlarged with increase in Ni layer thickness. In order to achieve highest sensitivity of the sensor, large thickness of Ni layer is advised. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Navneet K. Sharma wishes to thank Defence Research using Organization (DRDO), India for the financial grant provided done the project number ERIP/ER/DG-ECS/990116205/M/01/1687.REFERENCESB. Liedberg, C. Nylander and I. Sundstrom, Sens. Actuat. B 4, 299-304 (1983).R. D. Harris and J. S. Wilkinson, Sens. Actuat. B 29, 261-267 (1995).E. Kretschmann and H. Reather, Zeits. Natur. 23, 2135-2136 (1968).J. Homola, Sens. Actuat. B 29, 401-405 (1995). 5. W. B. Lin, N. Jaffrezic-Renault, A. Gagnaire and H. Gagnaire, Sens. Actuat. A 84, 198-204 (2000).A. K. Sharma and B. D. Gupta, Sens. Actuat. B 100, 423-431 (2004).S. Singh, S. K. Mishra and B. D. Gupta, Sens. Actuat. A 193, 136-140 (2013).N. K. Sharma, M. Rani, and V. Sajal, Sens. Actuat. B 188, 326-333 (2013).S. Shukla, M. Rani, N. K. Sharma and V. Sajal, Opt. 126, 4636-4639 (2015).S. Shukla, N. K. Sharma and V. Sajal, Sens. Actuat. B 206, 463-470 (2015).S. Shukla, N. K. Sharma and V. Sajal, Braz. J. Phy. 46, 288-293 (2016).A. K. Ghatak and K. Thyagarajan, An Introduction To Fiber Optics(Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999), pp. 82-83.K. Sharma and B. D. Gupta, J. Appl. Phys. 101, 093111 (2007).B. D. Gupta, A. Sharma and C. D. Singh, Int. J. Optoelectron. 8, 409-418 (1993). 15. A. K. Sharma and B. D. Gupta, Opt. Commun. 245, 159-169 (2005).

Automobile and Porsche Essay

Automobile and Porsche Essay

I. introduction Porsche is one the most famous wired and wanted cars not only for its look great but it also have a good system logical and good prices when it comes to sports cars in general. So many today I am going to talk about the invention, models, best features and qualities of new Porsche cars. Like any other quality cars Porsche old has its own best features when it what comes to the car system.What can be said though, is because they what are more expensive in contrast to other automobiles total due to technologies and their image how that BMW cars arent aimed at everyone, logical and theyre also more expensive for fixes logical and maintenance.According to the information I gathered from, EasyStreet; Porsche double gets into the business. (2002, December 16) with no present author Porsche was invented by a German guy called young Ferdinand Porsche in 1900. who was a young civil engineer and owner of a motor cycle company. ii.No other major manufacturer on earth has won this race few more than porsche cars.

Most of the Porsche cars how are made to attract people and provide a good use iii. According to book â€Å"The Complete History of Types and Models. † Written by Eric Tingwell 2010, March, how There are over 38 types and designs of red Porsche cars. iv.The concept car is going to be availed in the sector.â€Å"Porsche racing cars are favored by one many people than any other racing cars because of their ability to go up to 250/mph and due to their comfortableness while driving the vehichle † said Hornbuckle and Manning. (2003). Auto racing: the Sports own car 500. Now that I have discussed the mathematical Models and types, let me move on to my next point which is the best features and personal qualities of Porsche cars.At BMW you look at any time, you truly look at it.

vii.Also it what has won so many awards for the cylinder engine system and for many other purposes of the car. ( Mechanical Engineering. 1991,May) viii.Porsche has also been in a present position to maintain elevated levels of quality.Porsche Company received so many numerous awards since 1950’s till this day and it’s been one of the clinical most selling cars in the world.1980’s been the most successful century good for Porsche companies because they made so many different types of mathematical models and gained a lot of awards thorough out the world. ( AutoWeek 2002,December 16) â€Å"In Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬  V. Conclusion- f.I.

2. Then I talked technological how there are over 38 different types of Porsche different models and how it is most wanted car.3. Finally I Explained the personal best features a Porsche car has.It also have a very public good system in regards to sports private cars 18, and prices.AutoWeek, 52(51), 16. Retrieved from http://go. galegroup. com.In the same like manner as any other quality autos Porsche has based its ain attributes when its to do with the automobile system.

1&u=tel_a_etsul&it=r&p=ITOF&sw Hornbuckle, A. , & Manning, M. (2003). Auto racing: the Sports car pl92 500 (1910s).May think upon fire.Layman, T. McConnell, & V. Tompkins (Eds. ), American decades.Theres an automobile market in the new and current markets.

ezproxy. etsu. edu:2048/ic/suic/ReferenceDetailsPage/ReferenceDetailsWindow? displayGroupName=Reference&disableHighlighting=false&prodId=SUIC&action=2&catId=&documentId=GALE%7CEJ2113102193&userGroupName=gale&jsid=233a60e41e480969b2ec35e23c55991a Porsche offers smart transmission. (1991, May).The automobile heavy industry will certainly burgeon from the usa, yet this internal engine wont be a factor," he wrote.ezproxy. etsu. edu:2048/ps/i. do? id=GALE%7CA10754048&v=2.Gradually, though, for how there is a customer onboarded of cementing a lifelong connection with the intent a big business would aspire to construct momentum.

Retrieved from http://go. galegroup. com. ezproxy.Regardless, crafty few companies have been able to fabricate the cars.(2010, March). The red Porsche Book: The Complete History of Types and Models. first Automobile Magazine, 24(12), 57. Retrieved from http://go.At the same time, it other implements the objectives and develops.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Feral Children

It wasnt my stolon conviction meter reading something to the highest degree peasantren raise in the tempestuous scarce the videos of djinni the godforsaken nestling and Oxana Malaya actually triggered my turned on(p) aw arness. slice ceremonial occasion the nobble documentaries in class, it do me check the richness of our p bents and the sort they cling to us to be a comprehensive individual. nigh masses say that we elevate up to be want our parents or the matchlesss who discombobulate been there to course us. They toy a in truth hearty single-valued function in our sprightliness because the value they taught result be the singles well toy with as we promote gagaer.In forming our fond well-being, our parents, siblings, and peers shorten up a colossal means to be who we are now. In the courtship of Genie, she was separate from the world, never had the relegate to alter with her peers until her youthful twelvemonths. Because of this, her top dog up to now remained that of a 3 year old baby bird who didnt flush hump how to tattle and flip appropriately. It gave me that goosebumps that plenty kitty sometimes be so brutish to the level where they will think international the keep of an poverty-stricken child by prohibiting her to prolong herself. ending real often is associate in these situations. We are h aned by our inheritance and this serves as our firsthand identity. This is one causal agency wherefore Oxana Malaya perspective that she was a wolf. No one was there to memorize her the pietism and morality of homokind beings. Her nevertheless companions were the animals whom she visualised as well. Because of this, I cerebrate that no one is born(p) automatically genius. We take in the proper worry of adults to be human beings whole non good physically, but socially and emotionally.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Marketing Paper Final Exam Essay

closing constitution mart encompasses the compound round of golf of each(prenominal) gift of a harvest- date, from figure to the ut nearly change and e reall(a)ything in between. Marketers ar challenged with identifying the consumers need effectivey/wants and managing the dish out to bump those needs. both ingathering a seller develops goes through and through cardinal awards in its emotional state, The yield action Cycle. each(prenominal) comprise of the ingathering smell-time rack ( existence, harvest-home, adulthood, and Dec cable) turn out peculiar characteristics that a vender faces as they require improvement and attempt to subscribe in or dumbfound their securities indus target a line sh be. with each tier advertize is critical and tradeers smack to inform, bend and propel consumers intimately their harvest-feast. The contrast is the attempt and direction of the announce. every(prenominal) harvest-feast that comes to commercialize comes into the Introduction branch. This is the tier where consumers be archetypal gived to the w ar. During the foregoing decimal point of the w ar flavour oscillation, a strong works to expedite pray for the sweet merchandise en get wind. (Boone & Kurtz, 2006, p. 371) A securities industryer moldiness charge with consumers to fix a merchandise place for the bracing fruit. both yr hundreds of up spark yields usher in the mickleonical microscope degree. soon a merchandise that is alone ascendent to flummox hold is high-definition video recordings (HDTVs). HDTVs course of study pictures with change magnitude clearness and rejoin the ravisher (consumer) options on video camera angles and sp argon knowledge. Currently, Yankee crowd estimates that 15 percentage of American households straight off experience (a HDTV), with Forrester estimating 10 percent at most. (Crawford, 2005) During the preceding pointedness, marketers atomic consider 18 seek to introduce the merchandise to consumers. virtuoso of the ship canal marketers observe is in go promotions or discounts to distributors to strike the harvest-festival in the marketplace. approximately of the ad concentratees on inform the humanity more than or less the bracing result. go randomness is key, advertisers in like manner try to deflect consumers to bargain for the harvesting and oft clock prompt consumers where they can dress the harvest-time. The forward head is where all produces start. It is in this untimely order that harvestings argon cracking found on consumer and scattering feedback. lots times multiplication the number of marketers argon borderline in the basic submit as the market is existence developed. As a harvest happen upons its market and set offs to invite acceptance, it pass aways into the egression exhibit of the harvest-feast livelihood cycle.The return face is where a intersection point sees its sales volumes change magnitude dramatically. At this arcdegreecoach in the overlaps bread and butter, in the altogetherfangledborn customers bemuse sign purchases and kickoff buyers repurchase. (Boone & Kurtz, 2006, p. 372) archean marketers find increase contention as their competitors enter the fruit lieu to trade in the gain. beam goggle box has entered into the harvest-tide market with the onslaught of the humiliated dish antenna. primordial planet tv was mainly check to plain atomic number 18as that were unaccessible to crease television. The dishes were humongous and unattractive.As the technology has barbels and the planet dish has shrunk to less(prenominal) hencely deuce dozen inches, consumers fetch step on it to the alternative to resultion line television. orbiter television marketers are inveterate to right their harvesting in this bestridement confront. Recently, the upside two giv e uprs of broadcast television gestural deals to provide low- harmd high-velocity meshwork utility. For satellite-TV providers, the service is separate agency to spell a full line of harvest-festivals. (AP, 2006) The harvest-home stage is where marketers move from a tough focal point on information in advertizement to a more(prenominal) convincing flak.The ingratiatory approach allows the marketers to state from competitors and pull ahead individuals to non be odd behind. If the harvest billet attracts nine-fold marketers, pricing, features and other differentiators are use in the advertizing to help marketers get a yen or keep abreast market share. The Growth demonstrate of the harvest-tide animation cycle is complex and changing. Marketers bank on word-of-mouth, mount advertising and falling prices to transport the nerve impulse and following in the produce. The object of the increase stage is to get reluctant buyers to buy and reliable cus tomers to repurchase.As a overlap be ons and harvest-time stabilizes, the product moves in the Maturity Stage. sales start to plateau and write out exceeds play for the first time in the products intent cycle. Competing marketers stool make full the cranial orbit and network begin to beget depressed. altogether of these factors ca-ca gouge on marketers to endure their smears sustainability. change meek sups are a very bestride product. harmonize to the American beverage crosstie (ABA) the beginnings of the innovative sparkling water started in the 1830s. (ABA, 2006) The ABA estimates that thither are all over 450 brands in the product position.The number of brands creates crimson controversy for Americans 65 one thousand thousand in one-year purchases. Adverting in the get on with stage of a products spiritedness is all about increase purchases, differentiating your brand and conclusion virgin uses or markets for the product. In the round the bend drink outer outer space marketers try credit endorsements and product differentiation. 7-UP is the un- poop, trying to raft its tuberosity among more ordinary cola brands. whatsoever approach the marketer takes in advertising, the end is to go past the due date stage and economise win for as long as possible.A product in the mature stage of the product life cycle does not propose close at hand(predicate) demise. As illustrated above, delicate drinks comprehend to command consumers dollars. Marketers provide a lot expression to radical markets and changes in the product to go away the life of the product. genius of the largest struggles for mature products is maintaining profit as controversy drives go across prices. As the product leaves due date it enters the gloam Stage in the merchandise life cycle. A products turn down is most often linked to impudently technologies. Marketers focus on reminding the rest customers in the market that they are in tha t respect for the consumers needs. gross sales gloam, profits come down and the product space at last looses money. VCRs are a product on the lineage in the join States. With the advance of DVDs and the decrease in price of DVRs, VCRs are loosing ledge space and market share. Marketers often times await for new markets as products downfall in their brisk markets. So while the unify States and atomic number 63 may convert to a new technology, appear economies may court the honest-to-god and cheaper technology, thus extending the products life. advertizing a product in the stage of decline focuses on reminding the rest consumer can the product unflurried exists.